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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 17 September 2021
Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 17 September 2021
-Ransomware Preparedness Is Low Despite Executives’ Concerns
-MSPs That Cannot Modernize Will Find Themselves And Their Clients Falling Behind
-Two-Thirds Of Cloud Attacks Could Be Stopped By Checking Configurations, Research Finds
-Open Source Software Cyber Attacks Increasing By 650%, Popular Projects More Vulnerable
-Third-Party Cloud Providers: Expanding The Attack Surface
-Ransomware Encrypts South Africa's Entire Dept Of Justice Network
-2021’s Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses
-46% Of All On-Prem Databases Are Vulnerable To Attack, Breaches Expected To Grow
-Most Fortune 500 Companies’ External IT Infrastructure Considered At Risk
-Thousands Of Internet-Connected Databases Contain High Or Critical Vulnerabilities
-Only 30% Of Enterprises Use Cloud Services With End to End Encryption For External File Sharing
Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.
Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week
Ransomware Preparedness Is Low Despite Executives’ Concerns
86.7% of C-suite and other executives say they expect the number of cyber attacks targeting their organisations to increase over the next 12 months, according to a recent poll conducted by researchers. While 64.8% of polled executives say that ransomware is a cyber threat posing major concern to their organisations over the next 12 months, only 33.3% say that their organisations have simulated ransomware attacks to prepare for such an incident.
MSPs That Cannot Modernize Will Find Themselves And Their Clients Falling Behind
Researchers sought feedback from IT professionals to explore the performance of modern (and not-so-modern) managed service providers (MSPs). The survey found that even satisfactory MSPs are falling short in certain key areas: cloud strategy, security, and IT spending.
Two-Thirds Of Cloud Attacks Could Be Stopped By Checking Configurations, Research Finds
On Wednesday, researchers published its latest Cloud Security Threat Landscape report, spanning Q2 2020 through Q2 2021. According to the research, two out of three breached cloud environments observed by the tech giant "would likely have been prevented by more robust hardening of systems, such as properly implementing security policies and patching systems."
Open Source Software Cyber Attacks Increasing By 650%, Popular Projects More Vulnerable
Researchers released a report that revealed continued strong growth in open source supply and demand dynamics. Further, with regard to open source security risks, the report reveals a 650% year over year increase in supply chain attacks aimed at upstream public repositories, and a fascinating dichotomy pertaining to the level of known vulnerabilities present in popular and non-popular project versions.
Third-Party Cloud Providers: Expanding The Attack Surface
In the era of digital transformation, which is essentially an organisation’s way of stating they are increasing their reliance on cloud-based services—enterprises’, digital landscapes are more interconnected than ever before. This means that the company you buy a technology function from may have downstream third-party providers that enable plumbing, infrastructure and development technology that drive their business. With modern computing environments moving further away from the enterprise, the safety assumption paradigm is shifting. This has impacted the threat landscape because as organisations increase migration to the cloud (a third party), they must now consider that these newly onboarded third parties may have serious security issues that could present adversaries with opportunities to infiltrate your network.
Ransomware Encrypts South Africa's Entire Dept Of Justice Network
The justice ministry of the South African government is working on restoring its operations after a recent ransomware attack encrypted all its systems, making all electronic services unavailable both internally and to the public. As a consequence of the attack, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development said that child maintenance payments are now on hold until systems are back online.
2021’s Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses
Researchers recently updated a list of the top 25 most dangerous software bugs, and it’s little surprise that a number of them have been on that list for years. The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) list represents vulnerabilities that have been widely known for years, yet are still being coded into software and being bypassed by testing. Both developers and testers presumably know better by now, but keep making the same mistakes in building applications.
46% Of All On-Prem Databases Are Vulnerable To Attack, Breaches Expected To Grow
A five-year longitudinal study comprising nearly 27,000 scanned databases discovered that the average database contains 26 existing vulnerabilities. 56% of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) found were ranked as ‘High’ or ‘Critical’ severity, aligned with guidelines from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This indicates that many organisations are not prioritizing the security of their data and neglecting routine patching exercises. Based on Imperva scans, some CVEs have gone unaddressed for three or more years.
Most Fortune 500 Companies’ External IT Infrastructure Considered At Risk
Nearly three quarters of Fortune 500 companies’ IT infrastructure exists outside their organisation, a quarter of which was found to have a known vulnerability that threat actors could infiltrate to access sensitive employee or customer data, as research reveal.
Thousands Of Internet-Connected Databases Contain High Or Critical Vulnerabilities
After spending five years poring over port scan results, researchers reckon there's about 12,000 vulnerability-containing databases accessible through the internet. The study also found that of the 46 per cent of 27,000 databases scanned, just over half that number contained "high" or "critical" vulns as defined by their CVE score.
Only 30% Of Enterprises Use Cloud Services With End to End Encryption For External File Sharing
A recent study of enterprise IT security decision makers conducted by researchers shows that majority of enterprises use additional encryption methods to boost the security of cloud collaboration and file transfer, however, tools with built-in end-to-end encryption are still less frequent despite the growing popularity of this privacy and security enhancing technology.
The State Of Ransomware: National Emergencies And Million-Dollar Blackmail
Ransomware Attackers Targeted App Developers With Malicious Office Docs, Says Microsoft
Microsoft: Windows MSHTML Bug Now Exploited By Ransomware Gangs
Ransomware Gang Threatens To Wipe Decryption Key If Negotiator Hired
US General In Charge Of Cyber Security Pledges ‘Surge’ To Address Ransomware Attacks
REvil Ransomware Is Back In Full Attack Mode And Leaking Data
Ransomware-Hit Law Firm Secures High Court Judgment Against Unknown Criminals
Ransomware Encrypts South Africa's Entire Dept Of Justice Network
Other Social Engineering
Brits Open Doors For Tech-Enabled Fraudsters Because They 'Don't Want To Seem Rude'
Scammers In Russia Offer Free Bitcoin On A Hacked Government Website
Cyber Security Expert: Israeli Spyware Company NSO Group Poses ‘A Serious Threat To Phone Users’
After The T-Mobile Breach, Companies Are Preventing Customers From Securing Their Accounts
Microsoft September 2021 Patch Tuesday Fixes 2 Zero-Days, 60 Flaws
Third Critical Bug Affects Netgear Smart Switches — Details And PoC Released
Patch Now! PrintNightmare Over, MSHTML Fixed, A New Horror Appears … OMIGOD
No Patch For High-Severity Bug In Legacy IBM System X Servers
Experts Warn About Vulnerabilities of U.S. GPS System To Cyber Terrorists
Data Breaches/Leaks
Organised Crime & Criminal Actors
Nation State Actors
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Cyber Weekly Flash Briefing 18 Sept 2020: Higher cyber losses; old MS Office exploit; banking Trojan given away free; new Bluetooth flaw; IoT risks; DDoS attacks up; US charge Iranians & Russians
Cyber Weekly Flash Briefing 18 September 2020: Cyber losses increasing in frequency & severity, decade-old MS Office exploit, Cerberus banking Trojan released for free to attackers, Bluetooth vulnerability affects billions of devices, The Internet of Things devices that could put you at risk from hackers
Links to articles are for interest and awareness and linking to or reposting external content does not endorse any service or product, likewise we are not responsible for the security of external links.
Cyber losses are increasing in frequency and severity
Research by a cyber insurance provider in North America shows cyber attacks have increased in number and severity since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. The changes that organisations implemented to facilitate remote work have given cyber criminals new opportunities to launch campaigns exploiting mass uncertainty and fear.
The severity of ransomware attacks has increased since the beginning of COVID-19, with researchers having observed a 47% increase on top of a 100% increase in Q1 2020.
Researchers also found that newer strains of ransomware have been particularly malicious, with costly ransom demands and criminal actors threatening to expose an organisation’s data if they don’t pay. They report that the average demand from attackers using the Maze variety of ransomware is approximately six times larger than the overall average.
Researchers also reported a 35% increase in funds transfer fraud and social engineering claims filed by their policyholders since the pandemic began. Reported losses from these types of attack have ranged from the low thousands to well above $1 million per event.
Additionally, COVID-19 has resulted in a notable surge of business email compromise. The insurer observed a 67% increase in the number of email attacks during the pandemic.
Why this matters:
The report refers to North America but the findings are applicable to us all. They indicate that the most frequent types of losses incurred by victims were from ransomware (41%), funds transfer loss (27%), and business email compromise incidents (19%) — accounting for 87% of reported incidents and 84% of the insurer’s claim pay-outs in the first half of 2020.
Clearly with the landscape getting worse, firms more likely to fall victim, and with losses increasing all the time, firms should ensure they are taking these threats seriously.
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Hackers have revived a decade-old Microsoft Office exploit - and they’re having a field day
Hackers have ramped up attempts to abuse a decade-old Microsoft Office flaw with the help of creative new email scams, new research has found.
According to analysis commissioned by NordVPN, attempts to exploit the vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) rose by 400% in the second quarter of the year - with further growth expected.
Why this matters:
If exploited successfully, the memory corruption bug could allow attackers to execute code on the target device remotely. This is especially problematic if the affected user’s account has administrative privileges, in which case the hacker could seize control of the system.
Cerberus banking Trojan source code released for free to cyber attackers
The source code of the Cerberus banking Trojan has been released as free malware on underground hacking forums following a failed auction.
The leaked code, distributed under the name Cerberus v2, presents an increased threat for smartphone users and the banking sector at large.
Why this matters:
Cerberus is a mobile banking Trojan designed for the Google Android operating system. In circulation since at least July 2019, the Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is able to conduct covert surveillance, intercept communication, tamper with device functionality, and steal data including banking credentials by creating overlays on existing banking, retail, and social networking apps.
The malware is able to read text messages that may contain one-time passcodes (OTP) and two-factor authentication (2FA) codes, thereby bypassing typical 2FA account protections. OTPs generated through Google Authenticator may also be stolen.
Critical Bluetooth security vulnerability could affect billions of devices worldwide
A new security flaw in the Bluetooth software stack discovered over the summer has the potential to affect billions of smartphones, laptops and IoT devices using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol.
The new vulnerability has been given the name BLESA (Bluetooth Low Energy Spoofing Attack) by the team of seven academic researchers at Purdue University who first discovered it.
Unlike the recently discovered BLURtooth vulnerability that deals with how Bluetooth devices pair with one another, BLESA was found in the reconnection process. Reconnections occur when two BLE devices move out of range and then move back into range. Normally BLE devices check the cryptographic keys negotiated during the pairing process when reconnecting.
The research team found that the official BLE specification did not contain strong-enough language to describe the reconnection process properly leading to two systemic issues making their way into BLE software implementations.
The first deals with the fact that authentication during device reconnection is optional as opposed to mandatory while the second relates to how authentication can potentially be circumvented if a user's BLE device fails to force another device to authenticate the cryptographic keys sent while reconnecting.
Why this matters:
Billions of devices could be vulnerable to these BLESA attacks where a nearby attacker bypasses reconnection verification and sends spoofed data to a BLE device with incorrect information. This can lead both humans and automated processes to make incorrect decisions when it comes to allowing two devices to reconnect with one another.
Coffee machines, cuddly toys and cars: The Internet of Things devices that could put you at risk from hackers
Connected teddy bears, connected coffee machines and connected cars are just some of the unusual Internet of Things (IoT) devices being insecurely connected to corporate networks that could leave whole organisations open to cyber attacks.
A research paper by Palo Alto Networks details the surge in IoT devices being connected to corporate networks and their wide variety.
Some of the most common irregular devices being connected to organisations' networks include connected vehicles, connected toys and connected medical devices, with connected sports equipment such as fitness trackers, gaming devices and connected cars also being deployed.
These devices are being connected because they can often help people through the working day or help manage aspects of their personal life, but they're also creating additional problems for the corporate network.
Why this matters:
In many cases, these 'shadow IoT' devices are being added to the network without the knowledge of the security team.
This could potentially leave the corporate network vulnerable because not only do some IoT devices have poor security that means they can easily be discovered and exploited, but some workplaces still have flat networks and if a device is compromised then an attacker can move from the IoT product to another system.
DDoS Attacks Skyrocket as Pandemic Bites
More people being online during lockdowns and more people working from home has proven to be lucrative for DDoS type attacks.
The first half of 2020 saw a significant uptick in the number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks compared to the same period last year — a phenomenon that appears to be directly correlated to the global coronavirus pandemic.
One firm’s Security Operations Centre (SOC) saw a 151 percent increase in DDoS activity in the period, including one of the largest and longest attacks they had has ever mitigated – that attack came in at 1.17 terabits-per-second (Tbps), and lasted five days and 18 hours.
These figures are representative of the growing number, volume and intensity of network-type cyber attacks as organizations shifted to remote operations and workers’ reliance on the internet increased.
Why this matters:
DDoS attacks are getting bigger, with a “noticeable spike” in volume: The number of attacks sized 100Gbps and above grew a whopping 275 percent. Emblematic of this is a 2.3Tbps attack targeting an Amazon Web Services client in February – the largest volumetric DDoS attack on record. And the aforementioned 1.17Tbps attack was 192 percent bigger than the largest attack mitigated during the first half of 2019.
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US charges two Russians for stealing $16.8m via cryptocurrency phishing sites
The US Department of Justice has filed charges this week against two Russian nationals for orchestrating a multi-year phishing operation against the users of three cryptocurrency exchanges.
The two suspects stand accused of creating website clones for the Poloniex, Binance, and Gemini cryptocurrency exchanges, luring users on these fake sites, and collecting their account credentials. These phishing operations began around June 2017.
US officials said the Russian duo — made up of Danil Potekhin (aka cronuswar) and Dmitrii Karasavidi; residents of Voronezh and Moscow, respectively — used the stolen credentials to access victim accounts and steal their Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) crypto-assets.
Why this matters:
In total, US officials estimated the victims in the hundreds. Court documents cite 313 defrauded Poloniex users, 142 Binance victims, and 42 users at Gemini. Losses were estimated at $16,876,000.
Whilst bitcoin has waned in popularity after its highs a few years back there is still value in holdings held in different exchanges and these holdings remain popular targets for attackers.
US charges two Iranian hackers for years-long cyber-espionage, cybercrime spree
The US has also filed charges against and is seeking the arrest of two Iranian nationals believed to have carried out cyber-intrusions at the behest of the Iranian government and for their own personal financial gain.
In an indictment unsealed this week, prosecutors accused Hooman Heidarian and Mehdi Farhadi, both from Hamedan, Iran, of launching cyber-attacks against a wide range of targets since at least 2013.
Past victims included several US and foreign universities, a Washington think tank, a defense contractor, an aerospace company, a foreign policy organization, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profits, and foreign government and other entities the defendants identified as rivals or adversaries to Iran, with most targets located in the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
US officials said Heidarian and Farhadi focused on gaining access to their victims' accounts, computers, and internal networks, from where they stole confidential data and communications pertaining to topics such as national security, foreign policy, nuclear energy, and aerospace.
Why this matters:
Financial data and personally identifiable information wasn't off-limits, and the two also stole intellectual property, such as unpublished scientific research.
In addition, the two also targeted and stole personal information and communications of Iranian dissidents, human rights activists, and opposition leaders, according to George M. Crouch Jr., Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Newark Division.
Prosecutors believe that some of the stolen data was handed over to Iranian government intelligence officials, but that other information was also sold on black markets for the hackers' personal gains.
Alert issued to UK universities and colleges about spike in cyber attacks
British universities and colleges have been warned about a spike in ransomware attacks targeting the education sector by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ.
Academic institutions are being urged to follow NCSC guidance following a sharp increase in attacks which have left some teachers fearing they won't be able to accept students when term begins.
Last week staff at Newcastle University warned Sky News they had "no idea how we are going to welcome students in three weeks' time" following one such ransomware attack, which has impacted IT services across the whole university.
Similar attacks in which criminal hackers infiltrated computer networks and stole data before encrypting the machines and demanding a ransom payment to unlock them again, have hit Northumbria University, Bolton Sixth Form College, Leeds City College and others in August alone.
Speaking to Sky News, NCSC's director of operations Paul Chichester said the agency had seen an increase in the "utterly reprehensible" attacks over the past 18 months and was concerned they would disrupt young people's education.
Why this matters:
There are more than a dozen criminal groups which are currently earning millions by encrypting their victim's computer networks and then leaking stolen documents online to pressure the victims into paying up.
Week in review 22 December 2019 - ransomware changes, Christmas scams, Microsoft Office apps hit, predictions for 2020
Week in review 22 December 2019 - ransomware changes, Christmas scams, Microsoft Office apps hit, predictions for 2020
Week in review 22 December 2019
Round up of the most significant open source stories of the last week
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Black Arrow Cyber Consulting would like to wish customers old and new a Very Happy Christmas and a happy, prosperous, and cyber safe, 2020
Christmas malware spreading fast: Protect yourself now
Holiday party invitations may infect your PC
It's time for ugly Christmas sweaters — and for ugly Christmas-themed malicious spam emails.
A new malspam campaign dumps an email in your inbox marked "Christmas Party," "Christmas Party next week," "Party menu," "Holiday schedule" or something similar. But the attached Word document delivers a lump of coal: the notorious Emotet Trojan malware.
"HAPPY HOLIDAYS," begins the email, as spotted by researchers. "I have attached the menu for the Christmas Party next week. If you would like bring something, look at the list and let me know.
"Don't forget to get your donations in for the money tree," the email adds. "Also, wear your tackiest/ugliest Christmas sweater to the party." Sometimes it adds, "Details in the attachment."
More here:
Ransomware Gangs Now Outing Victim Businesses That Don’t Pay Up
As if the scourge of ransomware wasn’t bad enough already: Several prominent purveyors of ransomware have signaled they plan to start publishing data stolen from victims who refuse to pay up. To make matters worse, one ransomware gang has now created a public Web site identifying recent victim companies that have chosen to rebuild their operations instead of quietly acquiescing to their tormentors.
The cyber criminals behind the Maze Ransomware strain erected a Web site on the public Internet, and it currently lists the company names and corresponding Web sites for eight victims of their malware that have declined to pay a ransom demand.
“Represented here companies dont wish to cooperate with us, and trying to hide our successful attack on their resources,” the site explains in broken English. “Wait for their databases and private papers here. Follow the news!”
Researchers were able to verify that at least one of the companies listed on the site indeed recently suffered from a Maze ransomware infestation that has not yet been reported in the news media.
The information disclosed for each Maze victim includes the initial date of infection, several stolen Microsoft Office, text and PDF files, the total volume of files allegedly exfiltrated from victims (measured in Gigabytes), as well as the IP addresses and machine names of the servers infected by Maze.
As shocking as this new development may be to some, it’s not like the bad guys haven’t warned us this was coming.
Read the full article here:
Ransomware: The number of victims paying up is on the rise, and that's bad news
The number of organisations that are giving into the extortion demands of cyber criminals after falling victim to ransomware attacks has more than doubled this year.
A rise in the number of ransomware attacks in the past year has contributed to to the increased number of organisations opting to pay a ransom for the safe return of networks locked down by file-encrypting malware.
That's according to figures in the newly released 2019 CrowdStrike Global; Security Attitude Survey, which said the total number of organisations around the world that pay the ransom after falling victim to a supply-chain attack has more than doubled from 14% of victims to 39% of those affected.
In the UK specifically, the number of organisations that have experienced a ransomware attack and paid the demanded price for the decryption key stands at 28% – double the 14% figure of the previous year.
Read the full article here:
Microsoft Office apps hit with more cyber attacks than ever
New reports have claimed Microsoft Office was the most commonly exploited application worldwide as of the the third quarter of this year.
Researchers found that Microsoft Office solutions and applications were the target of exactly 72.85 percent of cyber exploits this year according to the firm's research.
However, cyber criminals also targeted web browsers with 13.47 percent of the total number of exploits, Android (9.09 percent), Java (2.36 percent), and Adobe Flash (1.57 percent).
Read the full article here:
Inconsistent password advice could increase risk of cyber attacks
New research suggests that ‘inconsistent and misleading’ password meters seen on various websites could increase the risk of cyber attacks.
The study, led by researchers at the University of Plymouth, investigated the effectiveness of 16 password meters that people are likely to use or encounter on a regular basis.
It tested 16 passwords against the various meters, with 10 of them being ranked among the world’s most commonly used passwords (including ‘password’ and ‘123456’).
Of the 10 explicitly weak passwords, only five of them were consistently scored as such by all the password meters, while ‘Password1!’ performed far better than it should do and was even rated strongly by three of the meters.
However, the team at Plymouth said one positive finding was that a browser-generated password was consistently rated strong, meaning users can seemingly trust these features to do a good job.
Cyber security predictions for 2020: 45 industry experts have their say
Cyber security is a fast-moving industry, and with a new decade dawning, the next year promises new challenges for enterprises, security professionals and workers. But what predictions do experts have for cybersecurity in 2020? heard from 45 experts across the field of cybersecurity about their predictions for 2020, from new methods and targets to changing regulation and business practices.
Read the full list of predictions here:
This ‘grab-bag’ hacking attack drops six different types of malware in one go
'Hornet's Nest' campaign delivers a variety of malware that could create a nightmare for organisations that fall victim to attacks, warn researchers.
A high-volume hacking campaign is targeting organisations around the world with attacks that deliver a 'grab-bag' of malware that includes information-stealing trojans, a remote backdoor, a cryptojacker and a cryptocurrency stealer.
Uncovered by researchers at Deep Instinct, the combination of the volume of attacks with the number of different malware families has led to the campaign being named 'Hornet's Nest'.
The attacks are suspected to be offered as part of a cybercrime-as-a-service operation with those behind the initial dropper, which researchers have dubbed Legion Loader, leasing out their services to other criminals.
Clues in the code point to the Legion Loader being written by a Russian-speaker – and researchers note that the malware is still being worked on and updated. Attacks using the loader appear to be focused on targets in the United States and Europe.
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Tiny band of fraud police left to deal with third of all crime
Only one in 200 police officers is dedicated to investigating fraud despite it accounting for more than a third of all crimes, The Times revealed.
Most forces have less than half of 1 per cent of their officers allocated to fraud cases and some have none at all, according to figures disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act. In some areas the number of officers tackling fraud has fallen significantly.
Amid a surge in online and cold-calling scams, there were 3.8 million incidents of fraud last year, more than a third of all crimes in England and Wales. Victims are increasingly targeted online and can lose their life savings. However, as few as one in 50 fraud reports leads to a “judicial outcome” such as a suspect being charged.
Last night police bosses said the failure to investigate the cases was due to budget cuts and “poor government direction” and the situation had become a national emergency. Boris Johnson has pledged to “make the streets safer” by recruiting an extra 20,000 police officers but there are concerns that victims of fraud will continue to be failed.
Read the original article here:
IT worker with a grudge jailed for cyber attack that shut down network for 12 hours
A contractor with a grudge over the handling of an incident in Benidrom has been jailed for carrying out a revenge cyber attack. Scott Burns, 27, was unhappy with the way a disciplinary matter against him by Jet2 was dealt with so decided to cause harm. The attack led to the company’s computer network being shut down for 12 hours and it was only thanks to a fast-thinking colleague that a ‘complete disaster’ was avoided. Burns’s attack cost the company £165,000 in lost business, Leeds Crown Court was told. Jailing Burns for 10 months, Judge Andrew Stubbs QC heard how the motive was revenge because Burns was unhappy about how Jet2 dealt with a disciplinary matter against him relating to an incident at a ‘roadshow in Benidorm’ in 2017. No further details of the incident were outlined in court.
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30 years of ransomware: How one bizarre attack laid the foundations for the malware taking over the world
In December 1989 the world was introduced to the first ever ransomware - and 30 years later ransomware attacks are now at crisis levels.
Ransomware has been one of the most prolific cyber threats facing the world throughout 2019, and it's unlikely to stop being a menace any time soon.
Organisations from businesses and schools to entire city administrations have fallen victim to network-encrypting malware attacks that are now demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin or other cryptocurrency for the safe return of the files.
While law enforcement recommends that victims don't give into the demands of cyber criminals and pay the ransom, many opt to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars because they view it as the quickest and easiest means of restoring their network. That means some of the criminal groups operating ransomware campaigns in 2019 are making millions of dollars.
But what is now one of the major cyber scourges in the world today started with much more humble origins in December 1989 with a campaign by one man that would ultimately influence some of the biggest cyber attacks in the world thirty years later.
The first instance of what we now know as ransomware was called the AIDS Trojan because of who it was targeting – delegates who'd attended the World Health Organization AIDS conference in Stockholm in 1989.
Attendees were sent floppy discs containing malicious code that installed itself onto MS-DOS systems and counted the number of the times the machine was booted. When the machine was booted for the 90th time, the trojan hid all the directories and encrypted the names of all the files on the drive, making it unusable.
Victims saw instead a note claiming to be from 'PC Cyborg Corporation' which said their software lease had expired and that they needed to send $189 by post to an address in Panama in order to regain access to their system.
It was a ransom demand for payment in order for the victim to regain access to their computer.
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