Our Services

“Black Arrow provide exceptional support in preparing and presenting our board's cyber risk governance paper. Their expertise is instrumental.

- Offshore Wealth and Fund Manager

Our experienced team supports clients with specialist cyber security services

  • Cyber Security Gap Analysis

    Our independent and objective analysis provides specific priority actions for you to consider in improving your cyber security.

  • Senior Leadership Risk and Governance

    Boards are not expected to be cyber experts, but must understand fundamental cyber risks.

    Our workshop helps leaders achieve sound cyber risk management.

  • Penetration Testing

    Skilled tests to assess your system’s security against common or targeted attacks

  • Employee Education and Awareness

    While many organisations look to technology for protection, the attackers are looking to the employee as the easiest route of entry.

    Your employees can be part of your security controls, if you show them how.

  • Employee Phishing Simulations

    Simulated phishing should not be a bruising ‘gotcha’ trap

    Our approach is different. We send simulated phishing emails based on our research of the attackers’ evolving tactics. This is an opportunity for your users to practice spotting and reporting suspicious emails, and to engage with the experience.

  • Cyber Security Tabletop Exercises

    From the moment you learn that something has gone wrong, what you do next determines whether your firm survives and how quickly you can get back on your feet.

  • Cyber Security Strategy

    We work collaboratively with Boards to define and implement proportionate controls across people, operations and technology, to achieve the desired risk profile.

    Cyber Security Strategy
  • Cyber Security Advisory Support

    Sometimes referred to as Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) support, this is the expertise and experience of a highly qualified CISO, sized to your needs at a fraction of an in-house cost.

    Not just one specialist, but a whole team of unparalleled experts to help protect you and your clients.

  • Cyber and Information Security Policies

    Your policies ensure that everyone, including your employees, IT team and third parties, know exactly how to maintain your security controls. These also underpin your performance and contractual management.

    Our policies are aligned to leading global standards, leveraging our expertise and experience

  • Cyber Security Risk Governance

    Cyber security is the proportionate balance of risks and controls, with strong Board governance supported by specialists as required.

    We support Boards in preparing and discussing their governance reports on the strengthening of their cyber security controls in line with risk appetite

  • Ongoing Maintenance and Enhancement of Cyber Security

    Cyber attackers are constantly evolving. Cyber security needs to keep pace with the evolving threat landscape and your business growth and development.

    We support you in maintaining your security controls and ensuring they continue to address your risk appetite.

  • Incident Response

    Co-ordination and support to carefully manage your response to a cyber and Information security incident covering analysis, communications and mitigation.