Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 20 September 2024

Welcome to this week’s Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing – a weekly digest, collated and curated by our cyber experts to provide senior and middle management with an easy to digest round up of the most notable threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber related news from the last week.

Top Cyber Stories of the Last Week

Cyber Threats and AI Disruption Top Business Risks for 2024

Global law firm Clyde & Co's latest corporate risk radar report highlights that 76% of business leaders now view cyber threats as their primary technological concern. Regulatory scrutiny is considered a growing operational threat by 43% of leaders, due to an influx of new initiatives and inconsistent regulations. People-related challenges rank as the second-highest impact risk, identified by 58% of leaders as a threat to multinational operations. Notably, climate change has dropped from sixth to ninth in the global risk hierarchy, reflecting the increased urgency of other issues. Additionally, 29% of business leaders have identified disruption caused by artificial intelligence as a significant high-impact risk for the first time. The report emphasises the need for comprehensive risk planning and employee training to enhance security and resilience in today's volatile environment.

Half of UK Firms Lack Basic Cyber Security Skills

Recent government findings indicate that 44% of UK businesses have skills gaps in basic technical cyber security areas. Among the 637,000 businesses examined, 27% lack advanced skills such as penetration testing. Incident management skills gaps have risen sharply from 27% in 2020 to 48% in 2024. The Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) reported that despite increased supply, a significant skills gap persists. Nearly half of businesses who do not outsource incident management are not confident in handling a cyber security breach. Employers and recruiters also believe that AI will impact the cyber skills landscape, potentially leading to job losses due to automation and a need for new skills to work with AI tools.

Beyond A Buzzword: What Resilience in Cyber Really Means

Cyber resilience is now essential for organisations of all sizes, as cyber attacks have become inevitable. Resilience involves not only preventing breaches but also minimising damage and swiftly restoring operations, requiring a shift towards adaptive threat management with quick detection and response. This year’s International Cyber Expo Global Cyber Summit highlighted that leaders are focusing on integrating employees into security frameworks and policies, as well as fostering a supportive work environment to prevent burnout among cyber security professionals. Diversity and community were noted as key factors in building resilient teams capable of innovative problem-solving. Achieving true cyber resilience is a balancing act between protecting organisational assets and ensuring the wellbeing of the workforce.

Do Boards Understand Their New Role in Cyber Security?

Research reveals that over 90% of cyber security incidents originate from human action, underscoring the critical role of boards in governing cyber security risk. However, many board members view cyber security as a purely technical issue, overly focusing on tools rather than strategic oversight. Boards are encouraged to upskill on cyber risks, strategically prioritising investments and understanding their roles in incident response. Boards are advised to seek external assessments of their cyber recovery plans, much like financial audits, to enhance preparedness. Additionally, boards are adjusting member selection criteria to include technology expertise that addresses both security and strategic opportunities. Understanding that technology safeguards critical data and automates business processes, boards must integrate cyber security into their core business strategy.

All Smoke, No Fire: The Bizarre Trend of Fake Data Breaches and How to Protect Against Them

Organisations are increasingly facing fake data breach claims from cyber criminals, causing unnecessary panic and resource diversion. These hoaxes can damage a company's reputation and erode customer trust, even when no actual breach has occurred. Experts advise implementing advanced security measures and establishing dedicated teams to verify breach claims before reacting publicly. Effective communication strategies are crucial to manage public perception and maintain control over the narrative. Continuous employee training and updated security protocols are essential to mitigate both real and fake cyber threats, safeguarding the organisation's reputation and customer confidence.

Threat Actors Continue to Utilise HR-Related Phishing Tactics

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with recent tactics continuing the trend of impersonating company HR departments to deceive employees. One notable campaign sent emails urging staff to review a revised employee handbook, using professional language and creating a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action. These emails directed recipients to fake login pages designed to capture sensitive credentials. Such attacks exploit trust and fear of non-compliance, emphasising the need for robust cyber security measures. Organisations are advised to implement advanced email security solutions and enhance user awareness training. A multi-layered defence approach, combining technology and vigilant employees, is essential to protect against these evolving phishing threats.

Report: 80% of Organisations Experienced an Email-Related Security Breach in the Last Year

The latest report from a cyber security solutions provider reveals that email-related threats are a top concern for critical infrastructure organisations. The study found that 80% of these entities experienced an email-related security breach in the past year, and 63% admit their email security needs improvement. Despite advancements in cyber security, nearly half of the organisations lack confidence in their current email defences, leaving them vulnerable to cyber attacks. 65% are not compliant with regulatory standards, exposing them to significant operational and business risks. The report highlighted that essential security measures like Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) and URL scanning are missing in many organisations' defences. This underscores the urgent need to adopt a zero-trust mindset and strengthen prevention-based perimeter defence strategies.

The Growing Danger of Visual Hacking and How to Protect Against It

Visual hacking is a significant threat that many organisations overlook in their data security strategies. Despite focusing on cyber security within systems, physical methods like shoulder surfing can bypass these defences, exposing sensitive information. Physical barriers such as privacy screens are highly effective, blocking up to 99.8% of visible light at angles beyond 45 degrees, ensuring only the primary user can view the screen. Traditional privacy screens have drawbacks like increased device thickness and permanent privacy modes, impacting usability. Switchable privacy screens built into devices are gaining popularity, offering automated and software-controlled privacy without hindering functionality. Organisations are advised to adopt these advanced privacy measures to prevent unauthorised visual access and enhance overall data security.

Cyber Warfare: A Growing Concern for the British Public

New research by the International Cyber Expo reveals that over 70% of Britons believe cyber warfare is the next frontier in modern combat. Cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure are the top concern, with 54% of respondents expressing worry. Nearly a third (31%) of the public admit feeling scared about the prospect of cyber warfare, and 43% are concerned about nation-state activities. The survey highlighted that despite government investments in traditional military forces, the majority perceive cyberspace as the emerging battlefield. Experts emphasise the need for increased awareness, preparedness, and investment in cyber security to protect critical infrastructure and national security.

The Rising Cost of Vulnerable APIs and Bot Attacks – A $186 Billion Wake-Up Call for Businesses

A recent report by a cyber security solutions provider, Imperva, has found that vulnerable APIs and automated bot attacks are causing significant financial losses for businesses, with an estimated annual economic burden of up to $186 billion. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is like a bridge that allows different software applications to talk to each other and share information. A bot is a computer program that performs tasks automatically, often mimicking human actions. The study, which analysed over 161,000 cyber security incidents, revealed that the average enterprise managed 613 API endpoints in 2023, making them increasingly attractive targets for cybercriminals. Bot-related security incidents have surged dramatically, rising by 88% in 2022 and a further 28% in 2023. Insecure APIs alone have led to up to $87 billion in losses annually, marking a $12 billion increase from 2021. Automated API abuse by bots contributes significantly to this impact, costing organisations up to $17.9 billion each year. The report underscores the urgent need for robust security measures to protect against these growing threats.

Attackers are Exploiting Vulnerabilities at a Record Pace—Here’s What to Do About It

Recent findings show that attackers are exploiting vulnerabilities faster than ever, with the average time to exploitation now just 4.76 days—a 43% increase in speed compared to earlier this year. This rapid escalation emphasises the critical need for timely patching, yet 86% of breaches occurred through known vulnerabilities with available patches. 98% of organisations reported detecting exploits of vulnerabilities over five years old, underscoring the importance of strong cyber hygiene practices. Experts advise prioritising vulnerabilities actively under attack and ensuring robust incident response plans. Collaboration between public and private sectors is deemed essential to enhance cyber security and stay ahead of evolving threats.

What Can Businesses Learn from the Rise of Cyber Espionage?

Cyber espionage is becoming a critical concern for businesses, as state-sponsored attacks increasingly target the private sector to disrupt economies and access confidential information. The UK GCHQ estimates that at least 34 nation-states now have advanced cyber espionage teams. The rise of AI technologies has amplified these threats, with attackers using tools like large language models to enhance their capabilities. Attacks on major cloud providers pose significant risks due to their impact on software supply chains. While AI introduces new risks, it is also essential for improving threat detection and response. Organisations are urged to adopt zero trust architectures, conduct regular security audits, and strategically incorporate AI to protect against sophisticated cyber threats.

When Startup Founders Should Start Thinking About Cyber Security

A recent discussion has highlighted that cyber security risks pose a significant threat to startups, yet many founders prioritise rapid growth over security measures. Advanced persistent threats like China's Volt Typhoon have begun targeting startups, with one such attack breaching Versa Networks after exploiting a high-severity vulnerability. According to a survey by a business insurance company, over two-thirds of startup founders have experienced a cyber attack, with 86% owning some form of cyber insurance and 71% considering additional security measures. Despite this, investors seldom prioritise cyber security during negotiations, but the consequences of neglecting it can be catastrophic. Experts suggest that as startups expand, the importance of cyber security increases, and founders should integrate security planning from the outset to mitigate risks.


Governance, Risk and Compliance

The alarming gap between perception and reality in the corner office | TechRadar

Cyber threats and AI disruption top business risks for 2024 – Clyde & Co | Insurance Business America (

Over Half of Breached UK Firms Pay Ransom - Infosecurity Magazine (

Nearly half of UK businesses unequipped to face cyber attacks, Ipsos finds (

Half of UK Firms Lack Basic Cybersecurity Skills - Infosecurity Magazine (

Do boards understand their new role in cybersecurity? | CIO

Closing the gap between cyber risk strategy and execution (

Beyond A Buzzword: What Resilience in Cyber Really Means - IT Security Guru

Palo Alto Networks CEO says cybersecurity has ‘become an arms race’ – BNN Bloomberg

Immediate threats or long-term security? Deciding where to focus is the modern CISO’s dilemma | CSO Online

99% of Business Leaders Are Concerned About Internal Data (

Fines and lawsuits after data breaches ‘worse than the attack itself’ (

Better metrics can show how cybersecurity drives business success | CSO Online

It's Time To Dismantle The Long Held Silos Between Security And Tech Teams (

Supply chains now face regular periodic shocks, says AP Moller Maersk risk chief :: Lloyd's List (

The Cybersecurity Landscape: New Threats, Same Mistakes (

The Cost Of Inaction: How Breached Organisations Are Redefining Cyber Resilience | Scoop News

Companies aren't 'owning' their data (

SecOps' new frontier in the remote work era: HR | TechTarget

Only 1/3 of businesses have 24/7 security coverage, survey finds | SC Media (

Modernization: Nothing to fear except failing to future-proof | ITPro

Striking the balance between cybersecurity and operational efficiency - Help Net Security

What can businesses learn from the rise of cyber espionage? (

Want to get ahead? Four activities that can enable a more proactive security regime | CSO Online

Protecting Critical Data and Infrastructure in the Digital Age | Entrepreneur

The ripple effects of regulatory actions on CISO reporting - Help Net Security

Citigroup strips COO of responsibility for data overhaul after $136mn fine

Should CIOs and CISOs Wear One Hat? - InfoRiskToday


Ransomware, Extortion and Destructive Attacks

Over Half of Breached UK Firms Pay Ransom - Infosecurity Magazine (

Top 10 ransomware groups to watch | CSO Online

Infostealers: An Early Warning for Ransomware Attacks (

Infostealers Cause Surge in Ransomware Attacks - Infosecurity Magazine (

Ransomware attacks: Rising threats and increasing demands - SiliconANGLE

Wherever There's Ransomware, There's Service Account Compromise. Are You Protected? (

Ransomware series: Exploring the tools & solutions that comprise a comprehensive ransomware strategy | ITPro

Ransomware attacks are soaring to a new high | TechRadar

Medusa Ransomware Exploiting Fortinet Flaw For Sophisticated Attacks (

Gen reveals 24% rise in ransomware attacks on consumers (

Ransomware gangs now abuse Microsoft Azure tool for data theft (

75 percent of organizations affected more than once by ransomware (

Google Street View Images Used For Extortion Scams - Infosecurity Magazine (

Germany seizes 47 crypto exchanges used by ransomware gangs (

What more can be done to stop ransomware attacks?  | CyberScoop

Defending Against Ransomware Threats: Tactics and Procedures Revealed by CISA (

For ransomware, universities are paying more | EdScoop

Vanilla Tempest hackers hit healthcare with INC ransomware (

Four ways to stay ahead of the ransomware threat | SC Media (

Ransomware Victims

Over Half of Breached UK Firms Pay Ransom - Infosecurity Magazine (

Qilin ransomware attack on Synnovis impacted over 900K patients (

UnitedHealth CISO: We had to ‘start over’ after ransomware attack (

Fortinet says hackers accessed ‘limited’ number of customer files on third-party drive (

Ascension Suffered $1.3 Billion Hit From Cyberattack, Analysis Finds - KFF Health News

LockBit boasts once again of ransoming • The Register

Valencia Ransomware crew 'hits' California city and more • The Register

Vice Society Uses Inc Ransomware in Healthcare Attack (

Data Stolen in Ransomware Attack That Hit Seattle Airport - SecurityWeek

Rhysida ships off Port of Seattle data for $6M • The Register

German radio station forced to broadcast 'emergency tape' following cyberattack (

Ransomware Group Leaks Data Allegedly Stolen From Kawasaki Motors - SecurityWeek

88,000 Impacted by Access Sports Data Breach Resulting From Ransomware Attack - SecurityWeek

Phishing & Email Based Attacks

Seven Ways Hackers Can Access Company Information - Infosecurity Magazine (

Threat Actors Continue to Utilize HR-Related Phishing Tactics - Security Boulevard

Report: 80% of Organizations Experienced an Email-Related Security Breach in the Last Year (

Email Attacks a Problem for National Infrastructure Companies (

How hackers are using legitimate tools to distribute phishing links | ITPro

European, Latin American authorities arrest 17 in crackdown on phishing network with 483,000 victims | CyberScoop

Cybercriminals exploit content platforms for phishing attacks (

What is email spam and how to fight it? | Definition from TechTarget

North Korean APT Bypasses DMARC for Cyber Espionage (

DoJ accuses Chinese national of phishing for military code • The Register

Advanced Phishing Attacks Put X Accounts at Risk - Infosecurity Magazine (

What Is Phishing-Resistant MFA and How Does it Work? - Security Boulevard

Other Social Engineering

Seven Ways Hackers Can Access Company Information - Infosecurity Magazine (

The growing danger of visual hacking and how to protect against it - Help Net Security

Google Street View Images Used For Extortion Scams - Infosecurity Magazine (

Security Firm's North Korean Hacker Hire Not Unique (

Windows users targeted with fake human verification pages delivering malware - Help Net Security

New North Korean Social Engineering Campaign Targets Crypto Sector | MSSP Alert

Artificial Intelligence

Cyber threats and AI disruption top business risks for 2024 – Clyde & Co | Insurance Business America (

How are cybercriminals upskilling to make the most of AI? - Raconteur

Companies skip security hardening in rush to adopt AI | CSO Online

The AI Threat: Deepfake or Deep Fake? Unraveling the True Security Risks - SecurityWeek

Security leaders consider banning AI coding due to security risks - Help Net Security

OODA Loop - Attacker VS Defender.  Who Will Win the Race to Best Operationalize AI?

Most Cyber Leaders Fear AI-Generated Code Will Increase Security Risks - Infosecurity Magazine (

Orca: AI services, models falling short on security | TechTarget

White House to Tackle AI-Generated Sexual Abuse Images - Infosecurity Magazine (

Hacker tricks ChatGPT into giving out detailed instructions for making homemade bombs | TechCrunch

Is that photo real or AI? Google's 'About this image' aims to help you tell the difference | ZDNET

Meta Goes Ahead With Controversial AI Training in UK - Infosecurity Magazine (

One in three workers want AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half fear it will threaten their future job security (

Compliance frameworks and GenAI: The Wild West of security standards - Help Net Security


How MFA gets hacked — and strategies to prevent it | CSO Online

What Is Phishing-Resistant MFA and How Does it Work? - Security Boulevard


Infostealers: An Early Warning for Ransomware Attacks (

Infostealers Cause Surge in Ransomware Attacks - Infosecurity Magazine (

This Harry Potter-Named Attack Runs Fileless Malware (

Espionage Alert: Google Sheets Exploit For Malware Control - Security Boulevard

This Windows Tool Can Let In Viruses Without Detection (

Hackers Force Chrome Users To Hand Over Google Passwords, Here’s How (

CISA warns of Windows flaw used in infostealer malware attacks (

1.3 million Android-based TV boxes backdoored; researchers still don’t know how | Ars Technica

'SambaSpy' RAT's Multiple Features Pack Hefty Punch (

Windows users targeted with fake human verification pages delivering malware - Help Net Security

Binance Warns of Rising Clipper Malware Attacks Targeting Cryptocurrency Users (


Reveal of Chinese-controlled botnet is another warning to CISOs to keep up with asset and patch management | CSO Online

The Rising Cost of Vulnerable APIs and Bot Attacks – A $186 Billion Wake-Up Call for Businesses - Security Boulevard

Chinese Spies Built Massive Botnet of IoT Devices to Target US, Taiwan Military - SecurityWeek

New "Raptor Train" IoT Botnet Compromises Over 200,000 Devices Worldwide (

FBI director says Chinese spies 'burned down' their botnet • The Register

Study: Bots pose major online fraud threat | Chain Store Age

Five Eyes alliance seizes control of extensive spy tech network used by China | TechRadar

How to detect and stop bot activity - Help Net Security


14 dead as Hezbollah walkie-talkies explode in second, deadlier attack | Ars Technica

11 dead, thousands injured in explosive supply chain attack on Hezbollah pagers | Ars Technica

Urban warfare expert: attack on Hezbollah is historic in accuracy - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (

From exploding pagers to cyber warfare: Israel's long history of alleged secret operations | World News | Sky News

Mass pager attack in Lebanon raises concerns over cyber warfare and terrorism · Global Voices

TrickMo Android Trojan Exploits Accessibility Services for On-Device Banking Fraud (

Securing your smartphone: Vital steps to protect your digital assets | TechRadar

Android to be getting its own version of Apple's "Stolen Device Protection" feature - PhoneArena

Watch out! These 9 online banking scams drain your accounts | PCWorld

Here's How to Remotely Disable Your Smartphone If It's Stolen (

Denial of Service/DoS/DDOS

Financial services sector remains top DDoS target, Akamai reports (

Internet of Things – IoT

Malware has infected 1.3 million Android TV boxes in 197 countries | TechSpot

Hezbollah Pager Attack: A Wake-up Call To Tech Manufacturers To Secure Their Supply Chains? (

Chinese Spies Built Massive Botnet of IoT Devices to Target US, Taiwan Military - SecurityWeek

New "Raptor Train" IoT Botnet Compromises Over 200,000 Devices Worldwide (

NCSC exposes Chinese company running malicious Mirai botnet | Computer Weekly

FBI director says Chinese spies 'burned down' their botnet • The Register

The Apple Vision Pro has a worrying security flaw — hackers could easily guess passwords based on eye movements | TechRadar

Data Breaches/Leaks

Fortinet confirms breach that likely leaked 440GB of customer data | CSO Online

Cybersecurity company Fortinet suffers third-party data breach (

23andMe to pay $30 million in genetics data breach settlement (

All Smoke, no Fire: The Bizarre Trend of Fake Data Breaches and How to Protect Against Them - Security Boulevard

Hackers steal nearly 1.7 million credit card numbers in breach | Mashable

After yet another data breach, how can you protect yourself? (

AT&T agrees to $13 million fine for third-party cloud breach | CyberScoop

Disney to stop using Salesforce-owned Slack after hack exposed company data - The Economic Times (

This Dating App May Have Leaked Extremely Private Data: Check Your Account Now (

Over 1,000 ServiceNow instances found leaking corporate KB data (

Temu denies breach after hacker claims theft of 87 million data records (

Hackers steal iCloud photos through calendar invites -- no clicks required (

Construction firms breached in brute force attacks on accounting software (

RansomHub claims Kawasaki cyberattack, threatens to leak stolen data (

88,000 Impacted by Access Sports Data Breach Resulting From Ransomware Attack - SecurityWeek

Organised Crime & Criminal Actors

European, Latin American authorities arrest 17 in crackdown on phishing network with 483,000 victims | CyberScoop

Violent cyber criminals to spend collective 191 years in prison • The Register

Ticketmaster boss who repeatedly hacked rival firm sentenced (

'Marko Polo' Creates Globe-Spanning Cybercrime Juggernaut (

Defending the Enterprise: New Insights from Banking Industry Experts on Fraud and Cyber Threats - Security Boulevard

Criminals Keep Hacking Themselves, Letting Researchers Unmask Them (

Europol takes down "Ghost" encrypted messaging platform used for crime (

The Dark Web Demystified: Its Role In Privacy, Crime, And Regulation – Analysis – Eurasia Review

Tor says it’s "still safe" amid reports of police deanonymizing users (

Suspects behind $230 million cryptocurrency theft arrested in Miami (

Australian Police conducted supply chain attack on crime app • The Register


Binance Warns of Rising Clipper Malware Attacks Targeting Cryptocurrency Users (

Cryptojacking Gang TeamTNT Make a Comeback - Infosecurity Magazine (

Germany seizes 47 crypto exchanges used by ransomware gangs (

Suspects behind $230 million cryptocurrency theft arrested in Miami (

Tether and Others Freeze Millions Tied to Lazarus Group Wallets - DailyCoin

New North Korean Social Engineering Campaign Targets Crypto Sector | MSSP Alert

Insider Risk and Insider Threats

Insider threats highlighted, calls for enhanced security measures (

How to reduce cyber risk during employee onboarding (


Munich Re willing to walk away from business after excluding cyber war from entire portfolio | The Insurer

How Cyber Insurance Shifts Affect the Security Landscape (

Why Breaking Down Silos Is Key To Optimizing Cyber Insurance Investments

"Cybersecurity issues will continue to grow": Managing claims chaos in fraudulent scams | Insurance Business America (

How NIS2 Directive Impacts Businesses and Cyber Insurance (

Supply Chain and Third Parties

Supply chains now face regular periodic shocks, says AP Moller Maersk risk chief :: Lloyd's List (

How Mega Attacks Are Spotlighting Critical 3rd-Party Risks (

Qilin ransomware attack on Synnovis impacted over 900K patients (

The ‘Sleeping Time Bomb’ of Third-Party Cybersecurity Risk | Decipher (

Fortinet says hackers accessed ‘limited’ number of customer files on third-party drive (

Post-CrowdStrike Fallout: Microsoft Redesigning EDR Vendor Access to Windows Kernel - SecurityWeek

Fortinet confirms data breach, extortion demand | TechTarget

Why Strong Cybersecurity is the Key to Unlocking the Full Potential of Supply Chains | Entrepreneur

8000 Claimants Sue Outsourcing Giant Capita Over 2023 Data Breach - Infosecurity Magazine (

Third-party risk management can learn a lot from the musk ox | CSO Online

Construction firms breached in brute force attacks on accounting software (

Concerns Over Supply Chain Attacks on US Seaports Grow (


Cloud-Native Network Security Up 17%, Hardware Down 2% (

Ransomware gangs now abuse Microsoft Azure tool for data theft (

AT&T agrees to $13 million fine for third-party cloud breach | CyberScoop

RCE Flaw in Google Cloud Affected Millions of Servers (

Hackers steal iCloud photos through calendar invites -- no clicks required (

How to stop hackers attacking hybrid clouds | ITPro


1 in 10 firms dump infosec wares after Crowstrike outage • The Register

Post-CrowdStrike Fallout: Microsoft Redesigning EDR Vendor Access to Windows Kernel - SecurityWeek

Will Microsoft Rethink Windows Security? (

Cloudflare outage cuts off access to websites in some regions (

Identity and Access Management

Gateways to havoc: Overprivileged dormant service accounts - Help Net Security

The Human Element In Non-Human Identity Security: Bridging The Gap In Modern Cybersecurity (

The proliferation of non-human identities - Help Net Security

Beyond human IAM: The rising tide of machine identities - Help Net Security


Tor says it’s "still safe" amid reports of police deanonymizing users (

Google Chrome Switches to ML-KEM for Post-Quantum Cryptography Defense (

Linux and Open Source

What is open-source and how does it benefit you? | ZDNET

Government unveils open-source security steps (

Passwords, Credential Stuffing & Brute Force Attacks

TfL requires in-person password resets for 30,000 employees after hack (

Why Hackers Aren't Stopped by Account Lockouts | HackerNoon

Hackers Force Chrome Users To Hand Over Google Passwords, Here’s How (

Malware locks browser in kiosk mode to steal Google credentials (

Credential Flusher, understanding the threat and how to protect your login data (

Over 2 million VPN passwords have been stolen – here's what you can do about it | TechRadar

Understanding Credential Stuffing Attacks - Security Boulevard

Construction firms breached in brute force attacks on accounting software (

Social Media

France uses tough, untested cybercrime law to target Telegram's Durov | Reuters

British MPs and international organisations hacked on X | X | The Guardian

LinkedIn's new search filter aims to protect you from suspicious job postings | ZDNET

Instagram makes 'Teen Accounts' private by default - and AI will be checking your age | ZDNET

Facebook Hit With Class Action Over Spate of Hacked Accounts (

Meta to Train AI Models Using Public U.K. Facebook and Instagram Posts (

Meta Goes Ahead With Controversial AI Training in UK - Infosecurity Magazine (

Advanced Phishing Attacks Put X Accounts at Risk - Infosecurity Magazine (

Training, Education and Awareness

Cybersecurity Awareness: Reflecting on 20 Years of Defense Evolution and Preparing for Future Threats - SecurityWeek

Regulations, Fines and Legislation

Fines and lawsuits after data breaches ‘worse than the attack itself’ (

France uses tough, untested cybercrime law to target Telegram's Durov | Reuters

AT&T agrees to $13 million fine for third-party cloud breach | CyberScoop

5 new cybersecurity regulations businesses should know about | MIT Sloan

Citigroup strips COO of responsibility for data overhaul after $136mn fine

The ripple effects of regulatory actions on CISO reporting - Help Net Security

ICO Acts Against Sky Betting and Gaming Over Cookies - Infosecurity Magazine (

White House to Tackle AI-Generated Sexual Abuse Images - Infosecurity Magazine (

Compliance frameworks and GenAI: The Wild West of security standards - Help Net Security

5 former Trump officials on what cyber policy would look like if he wins the White House (

How NIS2 Directive Impacts Businesses and Cyber Insurance (

Models, Frameworks and Standards

Why the NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework is Important to the UK Public - Infosecurity Magazine (

How NIS2 Directive Impacts Businesses and Cyber Insurance (

Data Protection

ICO Acts Against Sky Betting and Gaming Over Cookies - Infosecurity Magazine (

Careers, Working in Cyber and Information Security

Cyber workforce must almost double to meet global talent need | Computer Weekly

Cyber workforce size stalls despite skills shortages (

UK convenes global coalition to boost cyber skills and tackle growing threats - GOV.UK (

The cybersecurity workforce of the future requires diverse hiring practices - Help Net Security

Only 1/3 of businesses have 24/7 security coverage, survey finds | SC Media (

Law Enforcement Action and Take Downs

European, Latin American authorities arrest 17 in crackdown on phishing network with 483,000 victims | CyberScoop

Violent cyber scum to spend collective 191 years in prison • The Register

France uses tough, untested cybercrime law to target Telegram's Durov | Reuters

Tor insists its safe after cops convict CSAM site admin • The Register

Ticketmaster boss who repeatedly hacked rival firm sentenced (

UK activists file complaint with police against NSO Group • The Register

Tor says it’s "still safe" amid reports of police deanonymizing users (

Europol takes down "Ghost" encrypted messaging platform used for crime (

Suspects behind $230 million cryptocurrency theft arrested in Miami (

Australian Police conducted supply chain attack on crime app • The Register

Misinformation, Disinformation and Propaganda

Putin really wants to put Trump back in the White House • The Register

Malicious Actors Spreading False US Voter Registration Breach Claims - Infosecurity Magazine (

US accuses RT, others of covert arms dealing, global influence operations | CyberScoop

Malicious Actors Sow Discord With Election Compromise Claims (

FBI, CISA Warn of Fake Voter Data Hacking Claims - SecurityWeek

44% of people report believing election-related misinformation - Adobe study | ZDNET

Russian threat groups shift attention to Harris-Walz campaign, researchers find | CyberScoop

Russian troll farms turn up heat on presidential candidates | SC Media (

U.S. agencies say Iranian hackers tried to pass ‘non-public’ Trump campaign docs to Biden’s campaign | CyberScoop

Nation State Actors, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Cyber Warfare, Cyber Espionage and Geopolitical Threats/Activity

Cyber Warfare and Cyber Espionage

Munich Re willing to walk away from business after excluding cyber war from entire portfolio | The Insurer

Mass pager attack in Lebanon raises concerns over cyber warfare and terrorism · Global Voices

Western powers make plans to secure submarine communications cables, excluding Chinese firms and technology | Tom's Hardware (

Cyber Warfare: A Growing Concern for the British Public - IT Security Guru

Deterrence in cyberspace is possible — and ‘urgent’ — amid ‘alarming’ hybrid attacks, State cyber ambassador says | CyberScoop

From exploding pagers to cyber warfare: Israel's long history of alleged secret operations | World News | Sky News

What can businesses learn from the rise of cyber espionage? (

Nuclear posture and cyber threats: Why deterrence by punishment is not credible – and what to do about it | European Leadership Network

Espionage Alert: Google Sheets Exploit For Malware Control - Security Boulevard

Nation State Actors


Western powers make plans to secure submarine communications cables, excluding Chinese firms and technology | Tom's Hardware (

NSA and Allies Issue Advisory about PRC-Linked Actors and Botnet Operations > National Security Agency/Central Security Service > Press Release View

Reveal of Chinese-controlled botnet is another warning to CISOs to keep up with asset and patch management | CSO Online

Did a Chinese University Hacking Competition Target a Real Victim? | WIRED

Chinese Spies Built Massive Botnet of IoT Devices to Target US, Taiwan Military - SecurityWeek

Chinese spies spent 4 months in aerospace firm’s server • The Register

New "Raptor Train" IoT Botnet Compromises Over 200,000 Devices Worldwide (

FBI director says Chinese spies 'burned down' their botnet • The Register

China’s cyberattacks on manufacturing are part of its long-game strategy for industrial dominance    | SC Media (

China suspected of hacking diplomatic body for Pacific islands region (

DoJ accuses Chinese national of phishing for military code • The Register

Hong Kong: first person convicted under security law for wearing protest T-shirt | Hong Kong | The Guardian

Chinese gov’t mulls anti-money laundering law to ‘monitor’ new fintech

Chinese boffins claim Starlink signals can defeat stealth • The Register

Temu denies breach after hacker claims theft of 87 million data records (


Putin really wants to put Trump back in the White House • The Register

Western powers make plans to secure submarine communications cables, excluding Chinese firms and technology | Tom's Hardware (

Despite Russia warnings, critical infrastructure unprepared • The Register

Russian Secret Sub Unit Menaces Undersea Cables - Business Insider

US accuses RT, others of covert arms dealing, global influence operations | CyberScoop

RT News Hosted Russian Cyber Spy Unit, US Says (

Russian troll farms turn up heat on presidential candidates | SC Media (

Malicious Actors Sow Discord With Election Compromise Claims (

Russian threat groups shift attention to Harris-Walz campaign, researchers find | CyberScoop

'Marko Polo' Creates Globe-Spanning Cybercrime Juggernaut (

Russian Security Firm Doctor Web Hacked - SecurityWeek


As Geopolitical Tensions Mount, Iran's Cyber Operations Grow (

Iran backdoors planted across Middle East telecoms, government agencies, Google says (

US agencies say Iranian hackers tried to pass ‘non-public’ Trump campaign docs to Biden’s campaign | CyberScoop

North Korea

Security Firm's North Korean Hacker Hire Not Unique (

SecOps' new frontier in the remote work era: HR | TechTarget

North Korean APT Bypasses DMARC for Cyber Espionage (

Tether and Others Freeze Millions Tied to Lazarus Group Wallets - DailyCoin

North Korean Hackers Target Energy and Aerospace Industries with New MISTPEN Malware (

New North Korean Social Engineering Campaign Targets Crypto Sector | MSSP Alert

The Next US President Needs a New North Korea Strategy | The National Interest

Other Nation State Actors, Hacktivism, Extremism, Terrorism and Other Geopolitical Threat Intelligence

11 dead, thousands injured in explosive supply chain attack on Hezbollah pagers | Ars Technica

Explosive Pagers Reveal Major Security Breach Within Hezbollah (

Mass pager attack in Lebanon raises concerns over cyber warfare and terrorism · Global Voices

Remote attack on pagers used by Hezbollah caused 9 deaths and thousands of injuries (

Deterrence in cyberspace is possible — and ‘urgent’ — amid ‘alarming’ hybrid attacks, State cyber ambassador says | CyberScoop

UK activists file complaint with police against NSO Group • The Register

Key Predator spyware peddlers added to US sanctions list • The Register

Apple Abandons Spyware Suit to Avoid Sharing Cyber Secrets (

Tools and Controls

Closing the gap between cyber risk strategy and execution (

Beyond A Buzzword: What Resilience in Cyber Really Means - IT Security Guru

1 in 10 firms dump infosec wares after Crowstrike outage • The Register

UK Data Centers Gain Critical Infrastructure Status, Raising Green Belt Controversy - SecurityWeek

Post-CrowdStrike Fallout: Microsoft Redesigning EDR Vendor Access to Windows Kernel - SecurityWeek

Security leaders consider banning AI coding due to security risks - Help Net Security

OODA Loop - Attacker VS Defender.  Who Will Win the Race to Best Operationalize AI?

Why Pay A Pentester? (

SecOps' new frontier in the remote work era: HR | TechTarget

Data disposal and cyber hygiene: Building a culture of security within your organization - Help Net Security

Over 2 million VPN passwords have been stolen – here's what you can do about it | TechRadar

Better metrics can show how cybersecurity drives business success | CSO Online

It's Time To Dismantle The Long Held Silos Between Security And Tech Teams (

Remote work era: Are we keeping up with trends while maintaining cybersecurity protection? – EU Reporter

Cybersecurity Awareness: Reflecting on 20 Years of Defense Evolution and Preparing for Future Threats - SecurityWeek

How to reduce cyber risk during employee onboarding (

Only 1/3 of businesses have 24/7 security coverage, survey finds | SC Media (

Striking the balance between cybersecurity and operational efficiency - Help Net Security

Organizations overwhelmed by numerous and insecure remote access tools - Help Net Security

DNS security best practices to implement now | TechTarget

What is Enterprise Attack Surface Management? | UpGuard

Is that photo real or AI? Google's 'About this image' aims to help you tell the difference | ZDNET

Want to get ahead? Four activities that can enable a more proactive security regime | CSO Online

Other News

Seven Ways Hackers Can Access Company Information - Infosecurity Magazine (

When Startup Founders Should Be Thinking About Cybersecurity (

73% Of Small Businesses Concerned About Cyber Security, New AMI Research Shows | Scoop News

Nearly half of UK businesses unequipped to face cyber attacks, Ipsos finds (

Law Society warns legal sector 'particularly vulnerable' to cyber threats | Today's Conveyancer (

TfL requires in-person password resets for 30,000 employees after hack (

BT Report HUGE Rise in Malicious IP Scanners Across UK Network - ISPreview UK

Credential Flusher, understanding the threat and how to protect your login data (

The Cybersecurity Landscape: New Threats, Same Mistakes (

Why are utilities especially vulnerable to cyberattacks? - Digital Journal

Increased Cybersecurity Essential For NGOs: Help Available (

Healthcare's Diagnosis is Critical: The Cure is Cybersecurity Hygiene (

Cybercrime in the Education Sector | MSSP Alert

Cyberattacks Are Huge Threat for All Manufacturers | ASSEMBLY (

Ports need to prepare for cyber attacks | News | Port Strategy

The rising threat of cyberattacks in the restaurant industry (

Hospitality & Travel Cybersecurity: Protection the During Peak Seasons - Security Boulevard

Cyber threats to shipping explained | Pen Test Partners

Cybersecurity in the Skies - Avionics International (

For ransomware, universities are paying more | EdScoop

Vulnerability Management

Reveal of Chinese-controlled botnet is another warning to CISOs to keep up with asset and patch management | CSO Online

Attackers are exploiting vulnerabilities at a record pace—here’s what to do about it | CSO Online

Insecure software makers are the real cyber villains – CISA • The Register

Patch management: A dull IT pain that won’t go away | CSO Online

The Ultimate Unseen Vulnerability in Addressing Cybersecurity Threats: Communication | HackerNoon

Is Microsoft really going to cut off security updates for your 'unsupported' Windows 11 PC? | ZDNET

CISA Releases Analysis of FY23 Risk and Vulnerability Assessments | CISA

Detecting vulnerable code in software dependencies is more complex than it seems - Help Net Security

The line between citizen developers and IT pros gets fuzzier - is that a problem? | ZDNET


More details on that Windows Installer 'make me admin' hole • The Register

CISA warns of Windows flaw used in infostealer malware attacks (

Google Chrome 129: new features and security fixes arrive on all platforms - gHacks Tech News

1 PoC Exploit for RCE Flaw, but 2 Patches From Veeam (

Ivanti Warns of Active Exploitation of Newly Patched Cloud Appliance Vulnerability (

Microsoft confirms second 0-day exploited by Void Banshee APT (CVE-2024-43461) - Help Net Security

SolarWinds Issues Patch for Critical ARM Vulnerability Enabling RCE Attacks (

Patch Issued for Critical VMware vCenter Flaw Allowing Remote Code Execution (

Medusa Ransomware Exploiting Fortinet Flaw For Sophisticated Attacks (

VMware Releases Security Advisory for VMware Cloud Foundation and vCenter Server | CISA

Apple Vision Pro Vulnerability Exposed Virtual Keyboard Inputs to Attackers (

Windows vulnerability abused braille “spaces” in zero-day attacks (

SolarWinds fixed critical RCE CVE-2024-28991 in Access Rights Manager (

D-Link addressed three critical RCE in wireless router models (

Apple Patches Major Security Flaws With iOS 18 Refresh - SecurityWeek

GitLab releases security updates to fix 17 vulnerabilities | Security Magazine

RCE Flaw in Google Cloud Affected Millions of Servers (

Is Microsoft really going to cut off security updates for your 'unsupported' Windows 11 PC? | ZDNET

Atlassian Patches Vulnerabilities in Bamboo, Bitbucket, Confluence, Crowd - SecurityWeek

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Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 27 September 2024


Black Arrow Cyber Threat Briefing 13 September 2024